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It should be the broadest, most open, most compassionate kind of Hindu unity. So inveterate is the antagonism displayed by this faction that sometimes it resembles visceral hatred, while at other pathetic self-delusion. So much so that it seems as if there is a combined opposition media party, utterly hell-bent on demonising Hindu India and its protagonists. And its varieties—Hinduism, Hindutva, Hindu nationalism, Hindu majoritariansim, and so on. If we are unprejudiced, fair-minded, and truly liberal, we should be willing to give the other side, especially when it is elected by an overwhelming majority, a fair chance rather than excoriating it before its commencement so as never to let it come into being. That a religious element, mostly Christian in the case of Europe, North America, and the Antipodes, endorses the national consensus is almost a given. Perhaps, they are right.In other words, the problem with India at present is a life-and-death struggle between two elites, the erstwhile dominant secularist and the emergent Hindutva brigade. Then why shouldn’t the Hindu cultural bedrock that informs the Indian consensus work as well as the Confucian or Shinto accord in modern China or Japan?True, this Hindu element should not thrust itself in everyone’s face or enforce its norms coercively. The prospect of this new Hindu majoritarian India, has got a terribly hostile press. Even in the latter, one element dominates, whether in the metaphor of melting pot, salad bowl, or mosaic. The modern sector is, perforce, doomed to express its outrage in a modern idiom.What is more debatable is what its exact ingredients or outlines might be.

When they resort to tradition they end up making fools of themselves, wearing their janeu on their sleeve, so to speak. Or, at any rate, the emergence of another India is not at all unlikely; in fact, there are signs aplenty of its advent. We Hindus follow multiple calendars, perhaps using each to our advantage. In the end, like all tussles for power, this one too may be more inconclusive than what appears right now.Funnily, this lot might never use such a Hindu metaphor in the first place.Another India? The simple answer is, yes.For that to happen, however, we must all join hands to contribute our mite rather than being cynical nay-sayers and Hindu-haters.For many, especially those who were perpetrators of the older dominant, “secularist” plot, the rise of this new India spells doom, the end of the project that Gandhi-Nehru lead, and the Congress headed mostly by Nehru’s heirs brought to the present pass.But all that is politics. Let’s leave it behind as we approach the end of year, even if by the Gregorian calendar. It is the end of that kind of India, and of that kind of elite. Even those who are supposedly in charge of the new narrative aren’t sure.The cultural rule of the interpenetration of opposites predicts that the new order may not be radically different from the old.But we must examine the situation on its merits. At the crux of all these debates is one word: Hindu. Who will win remains uncertain, though as of now, the latter seems ascendant.

Why should we give up this opportunity to introspect, even meditate, over the future of our beloved country?The fact is that a Hindu majoritarian India may not be as bad as it is made out to be by its detractors. Of course, it would be rather disappointing if it were not at least slightly better — more confident, CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machine capable, competent, prosperous, creative, and egalitarian. Not from other religious or ethnic minorities, but from the Hindu secularist elite, which does not wish to yield power.Clutching at straws, seizing upon a Kanhaiya Kumar, Hardik Patel, or Jignesh Mevani as the youth icon, even avatar, to stop the BJP juggernaut in its tracks, this decimated opposition seems to be praying for nothing short of a miraculous slaying, metaphorically speaking, of the rakshasa called Narendra Modi. In fact, it may actually be a better, more wholesome, integrated, and compassionate India than the present state, that is so riven by uncivil strife. At the same time we must recognize where its most virulent opposition comes from.. In liberal Western democracies, the dominant element is a combination of modernity and democracy, underwritten not only be science and technology, but by the culture of capitalism and consumerism.But in doing so, we shall fall prey to many fallacies, including considering a majoritarian nation and polity as the inherent opposite of liberalism and multiculturalism. Hinduism, or dharma nationalism, may actually be a better guarantor of Indian pluralism than pseudo-secularism. Naturally, such people are unhappy; displaced privilege usually produces outrage if not predictions of doomsday

Posté le 06/02/2021 à 04:22 par holringfp
Catégorie cylindrical grinder

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A dramatic portrait of Ivan Karamazov — one of the characters from The Karamazov Brothers by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and a horror scene between Berenice and Egaeus from Edgar Allen Poe’s horror short story Berenice are also part of the collection.In the history of Indian Modern Art, the curiosity and the intrigue that surround the works of Amrita Sher-Gil will perhaps always remain unmatched. Whether it’s her biracial heritage— Hungarian-Sikh and multicultural upbringing; her bohemian wild youth involving travelling, studying art in Paris; her bisexual affairs and incestuous marriage; or her untimely death at 28 years of age, nothing about her was conventional. Not only does one comes face to face with the artist, but this portrait is at that concluding stage of her life where her artistic journey has come to fruition.H. For Puneet, who has been dealing with Sher-Gil’s works for a long time, the working of her artistic idiosyncrasy lies in this chasm.As much as Sher-Gil is revered for her unabashed chiaroscuro portraitures and tableaux of European and Indian cultures in the early 20th century, the artist’s volatile short life has been as much a point of interest. School of Art,” reflects Puneet. So there is this confident Amrita, who is painting herself,” concludes a fascinated Puneet. “If you see the back of certain works, you will see her handwriting.

In her most eloquent and pristine self, Sher-Gil is sitting on a chair, looking at you with her intelligent eyes.Although, the most striking work of Sher-Gil’s in the gallery is the Self Portrait in Blue Sari from 1937.Hence the exhibition Perhaps It Will Fly Away, If I Get Up becomes rather revealing for it attempts to charter Sher-Gil’s unconventional artistic journey. And perhaps it is her tryst with an unconventionality that finds a cathartic conduit in her paintings. The ‘Indian Frida Kahlo’ was not only a predecessor of the Bombay Progressive Artists’ Group but also inspired the stalwarts like S. “People are intrigued by the solo show of Amrita Sher-Gil because they don’t know what to expect from an artist who has lived only 28 years and created such masterful works at the age of 15 or 16. This portrait is a complete representation of that; she has left the hand a little sketchy which is very daring while her face is beautifully finished. It seems immature.J. They are signed and dated, you can deduce from that that this is the way she wants to leave them.Moreover, some are even accompanied by her personal annotations in immature handwriting that are contrasting to her mastery of form. The collection showcases her watercolours, charcoal and pencil sketches and a masterful self-portrait in oil on canvas from the 1920s to the late 1930s.

And so celebrating their 10-year-anniversary, it was only fit for Akara Art Gallery to exhibit a rare selection of Sher-Gil’s paintings in a solo-show called Perhaps It Will Fly Away, If I Get Up. It’s not really unfinished, but she wants to have that fluidity, she wants to have that slightly finished-unfinished feel to the work.The exhibition is ongoing at Akara Art Gallery till Custom Grinding Machine May 8. So, there is more for people to imagine, to get a little peep into what she is thinking or why she has created it, but not letting everything go,” he explains. Raza, hence becoming the pioneer of Modern Art in the country. “Her self-portrait is a fairly mature painting from the time when she is settled in her Indian roots, when she has mastered her art. “Most of the works are from her private moments, which kind of leads you on. Whereas her work at that age shows maturity like of the artists like Gaitonde or Raza in the early ‘50s when they were just coming out of J. The latter part, obviously, influenced her paintings as can be seen through her dramatic renditions of fictional characters.In several of her untitled watercolours on paper, there is a range where some may appear incomplete while others may appear complete to the point that they resemble oil on canvas.In addition to painting, Sher-Gil was also a pianist and an avid reader

Posté le 02/02/2021 à 03:38 par holringfp

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on any old tray you have. Dump the corks into the cylindrical vase.. Add some light to the arrangement. Place a scented candle of your choice into the small glass, and put it in between the corks. Secure with double-sided tape. You can also add a candle stand to the arrangement to give it a Zen-like appeal. Look for fruits of differing sizes and shapes but with similar colouring, like plums and pomegranates. Protect your surface with newspapers. Place the painted bubble wrap on a plain paper.White it with fruits: If nothing else is available at hand, add a jewel-toned fruit to a white bowl with sensuous lines for an easy arrangement.

The simplest way of making an arresting one is taking a small indoor potted plant, placing it on a bed of pebbles. Press gently and then slowly peel away.Wood it: Take that old wooden salad bowl and add some colourful flowers, leaves and twigs, you can also take some scented candles to complete the look.Pot it, right: An centre-piece is the cynosure of all eyes. Turn of the lights, light the candle, and your centrepiece is set for the perfect date night.Floral Pop: For this easy but very aesthetic centre-piece, you’ll need bubble wrap, a vase, a paint brush, acrylic paint, paper, tape and flowers. Fill with water and flowers for a finishing touch. Start off by cleaning and drying cylindrical grinder your corks, thoroughly.

Candle it: To instantly brighten up any dull room or your dining table, all you need are wine corks, scented candles of your choice, a large glass cylindrical vase and a small glass.Sand Bottled: Sand bottles are striking decor that can enhance a space. Wrap freshly pressed paper around vases... Using a colour of your choice, paint the bubble wrap. Fill uniquely shaped bottles, such as old milk jugs or even old liquor bottles with sand in hues of your choosing, stick in a flower or succulent, and display it in style

Posté le 26/01/2021 à 04:31 par holringfp
Catégorie Custom Grinding Machine

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The most vulnerable groups in the lower strata of society are the Dalits and OBCs who earn meagre wages that hardly ensure them two square meals a day. The essential service of cleaning the gutters and clearance of garbage are continuously performed by Dalits during shutdowns, compromising their right to life and safety. Indian society is never committed to eradicating manual scavenging as caste is a way of life here. Most of them have never accessed rations from the government. Now with this shutdown, their survival lies at the mercy of philanthropic savarna social workers or the state.The plight of scavengers is another story in itself. The middle classes in contrast were enthusiastic about staying within the confines of their home, finding time to update their social media profiles with &China CNC End face Cylindrical Grinding Machine Manufacturers39;I Stay at Home' messages.

There are people who believe that Covid-19 is god’s or nature’s way of teaching a lesson to humankind. While these criminalized communities do not possess ration cards or Aadhaar cards due to perpetual police violence, recent developments such as the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and the National Population Register (NPR) have exacerbated their conditions. Before unleashing the lockdown on the people, the basic needs of vulnerable groups, such as transport for workers wanting to go home, were not prioritised or even addressed. The very fact that these migrant workers opted to walk home without bothering to know where their food and water during the journey would come from is a telling comment on the prospects they face if stayed behind without work in the cities. Are these categories mutually exclusive? The answer is both yes and no.Transcommunities on the other hand face a different challenge of inaccessibility of food and rations due to social stigma. However, the Covid-19 shutdown is proving something drastically different.Similarly, scavengers, migrant workers, housemaids, wage workers, vendors are all Dalits and lower castes. But they still haggle over the monthly salary they pay to domestic because women do not consider domestic labour, which they themselves perform, as a contribution to the family economy. In the time of Covid-19 or in normal times, the inhuman condition of the Dalits remains the same. Communities that are criminalised or those that face extreme levels of violence from the state, namely # women sex workers, transwomen who depend on sex work or begging, have been pushed further to the margins by this shutdown. They do not demand a salary for their own labour because ultimately the money remains within the family even if it is not specially allocated to them as wives and mothers. Most of the transwomen are migrant workers but the state doesn’t consider them as labourers as they live by sex work or begging and the state refuses to see sex work as labour. As long as India is not committed to eradicating caste, class differences cannot be effaced. They are not exclusive categories but different forms of caste in India.

Every challenge faced by the country originates from the deeply ingrained system of caste. The urban middle class are nothing but a set of dominant castes masquerading as an economic class. They have no access medical care due to the stigma attached to them as sex workers or carriers of STDs. Seven decades into what can only be described as paradoxical modernity, India keeps its baggage of caste and feudalism intact.The Covid-19 shutdown posed just such a challenge, and India's response to it was, as usual, conditioned by caste..In every crisis, what resurfaces in India is caste. No apologies can bring back the lives of the people who died trying to travel on foot to their home towns and villages.Domestic servants are distressed that they may not be paid their monthly salaries during the shutdown. Caste groups like Reddy men and women openly proclaim their caste background. Dalits, manual scavengers, migrant workers, sex workers, transwomen, the lower-classes, wage workers, housemaids, vendors have been the vulnerable sections in the Covid-19 shutdown as they have been in other crises too. Unlike the servant class, the only difficulty these middle classes might have faced during this shutdown is the juggling of housework and ‘work from home’. Police violence during the shutdown is another challenge that transwomen face. They are still working with bare hands during the Covid-19 shutdown.The plight of migrant workers thrown out of livelihoods is a major challenge posed to the state during this shutdown, which was done without any prior intimation or any necessary arrangements being made. While the dominant castes have the privilege to “work from home” and stay safe, the workers are struggling for food and basic amenities. For middle class women, family is the significant unit and they do not see themselves or their labour or money or property separate from it.

Posté le 19/01/2021 à 04:26 par holringfp
Catégorie Custom Grinding Machine

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“We buy drinking water from private vendors and skip taking bath. The non-supply of the water from the canal had forced the administration to shut down its seven water treatment plants.. Nagar, said, “We are somehow managing to use the groundwater and those who have water available with them give at least two to three buckets to others, but that is also not enough.Delhiites continued to face water shortage for the fourth day on Wednesday as about 70 per cent of the drinking water supply is yet to be restored in several parts of the national capital.

Oshin Dhawan, who stays in Anand Parbat area, said, “We had tanker in our area after 3 days so the people living in my society filled up as many buckets they could which would help them in emergency situation”The city was hit with severe water crisis after Jat protestors in Haryana damaged Munak Canal.There are some who are availing DJB’s water tank services in their area by filling up as many buckets as they can for their survival.Sachindra Yadav, a resident of G.T.K.B. While many had to do away with their morning bath, some Delhiites claimed they checked in to various hotels as they had not been receiving even a drop of water in their respective localities. It seems like government does not have a back up plan with them so we can just wait for the water to fully get restored” he added.

Initially, we used to get 20 litre water can but then since they have started charging us heavily, so I had to shift to my cousin’s place in Gurgaon”Facing the similar situation, Moti Nagar resident Saransh Kalia said, “We are visiting our neighbouring areas everyday to have our bath and fill up seven to eight water bottles along with a cylindrical tub to store water for emergency situations.” .Left with no other option other than shifting to his cousin’s place, Sushil Srinivasan, a resident of R. Though the canal has been partially restored, government officials say that it may take another week or so to restore supply to all the areas. Puram said, “There CNC End face Cylindrical Grinding Machine factory is no water supply since Sunday

Posté le 13/01/2021 à 04:04 par holringfp
Edité le 13/01/2021 à 04:05 par holringfp
Catégorie Custom Grinding Machine

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